Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Who's visiting?

I haven't posted anything for about a week. I wonder if anyone's been visiting. If you would let me know when you're here and what you think of the blog, it would help me create posts that are informational and timely. If not, I guess you'll get whatever comes to mind.

I started a second job. I will be working part-time at Brighton Collectibles. If you will notice, the link is located on my favorites list. I love this place and if only they paid better, I would spend all my time there. But I guess the employee discount is a perk that makes it worthwhile... it is stuff I'd have bought anyway, afterall.

My new home is almost done! In two weeks is the final walk-thru and closing is a week later. I am so excited to buy new furniture (maybe I should have gotten a second job at Ethan Allen since Ikea is too far away!) and to have my doggies with me again! I hope my parents aren't too attached to them. I guess my mom wants a bird so I will be getting her a little lovebird to fill the void. The pet store down the street has the prettiest little birds and I know it'll make a great companion for my mom.

Nikki is visiting her mom, Dorothy, this summer. We have plans to get together on Saturday. Not sure what we should do... maybe dinner and bingo.

Anyway, I hope this finds you all well and enjoying the summer. Don't forget to share your summer vacation highlights here. I would love to hear more about what you've all been up to.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Family directory

Where is everyone? In the age of information, it's unfortunate that there are so many family members disconnected from one another.

I have such fond memories of family get togethers, weddings, holidays... It makes me sad that there are some family members I don't even know how to contact, let alone get to see.

So, my request of you is: if you have e-mail addresses, addresses, phone numbers, etc. of long lost aunts, uncles, and cousins, please send me an e-mail with the info or click on the comments link below.

Send me a message by clicking on this link.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Thanks for sharing!

I just read a comment regarding my hypnosis post. I didn't realize--until I got to the end--who the writer was. I wanted to make this a regular post so I have copied the text here. I hope you find this as inspiring as I did. And thanks so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...
I think you are on the right track. May I be so bold as to say "Hypnosis" is a powerful tool. I am speaking from first hand experience. In my early younger life I stutter really bad. I didn't go to very many social functions because of it. One day in 1980 I decided I would like to be a public speaker. So I volunteered to speak to a group of about 80 people. I thought it was going to be a snap. I was introduced and I took the stage and microphone. I said "Hi" and a few other words and then all of a sudden my brain froze up. I could not think of a thing to say. I said excuse me but I forgot what I was going to say. I closed my eyes and tried to think of some thing to say but couldn't. A friend came up and took over and I left the stage really embarrassed. I made a decision that I was going to become a speaker. So I found me a good Hypnotist. I went to about 8 or 10 "Hypnosis" sessions. To make a long story short I ended up becoming a public speaker and if you don't mind my bragging a little, I was pretty good. I joined a company out of West Virginia and I became their main speaker. They invited me to speak 5 different times in the Bahamas. I spoke at a lot of their conventions across the United States. I once spoke at a meeting where there was over 500 people. I over came my stuttering and low self confidence. I very highly recommend "Hypnosis" to overcome most any obstacle.
David Goulet

A past comment from Nikki

Nikki Eastwood said...
I love this idea! What a wonderful way for everyone to keep in touch and know whats going on.

I'm really interested in getting copies of our family trees on both Grandma and Grandpa Goulet. I've started a family tree at Tribal Pages. I still have many missing branches. :) Anyone who does read this, I'd love you to email me your info: spouses, kids, and grandkids (even your kids spouses etc.). E-mail Nikki.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

How to post...

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Monday, July 11, 2005

What's your passion?

Anyone have any interesting hobbies?

Do you love to cook? If so, consider sharing your favorite recipe.

Are you a frequent flyer? What's your most memorable vacation?

Do you collect anything? What is it? Why is it valuable to you?

Do your children keep you running? What kind of activities are they involved in?

Do you love what you do for a living? What makes it so fulfilling?

Are you an artist? What's your craft?

Love your animals more than some people you know? Tell us about your furry friends.

Do you spend too much time working that you've never been able to pursue your true passion? What is it?

My secret goal is to write a book. I love writing but by the time I get home from work my brain is too fried to be very creative.

Besides crafts, I really enjoy decorating my home. I like making it a welcoming, warm place... my sanctuary... my personal retreat. I enjoy entertaining. I'm not the best cook in the world but I have a knack for creating yummy appetizers. When I get into my house, I'm planning on having a theme party but I'm not sure of the theme.

My other passion are my dogs. I learned I was a dog-person about two and a half years ago when I adopted Chloe, my Chihuahua. Then about a year and a half ago, I rescued CoCo, the Miniature Pinscher. Steve has Bull, who's in the twilight of his life but is a very lovable Toy Poodle. I have had so much fun with my doggies; I wish I could ave a whole pack of them.

Please consider sharing your thoughts! Post a comment or let me know if you'd like to be a contributor!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

What is going on in your world?

I hope everyone's well.

What's new with me? My house closes on August 15. Steve and I walked through the place today. I am so anxious to get creative and throw some cool paint on the walls. Anyone ever do any faux finishes? Any advice would be very much appreciated.

I went to the second hypnosis class last week. I learned that I should be eating more fiber and taking nutritional supplements. Apparently, the food we eat is void of vitamins and minerals. Anyway, I've been trying to watch my eating but I will have to buy a scale (gave up weighing myself after gaining the first 20 pounds!) to figure out if it's working.

I'm sure everyone would love to know what is new with you so please feel free to post any comments. Or if you'd like to be a regular contributor, let me know.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Long weekend at the beach

It's been a week since my last post. Steve and I spent several days over the long weekend at Cannon Beach with my sister's family and our parents. Em and Kayla were there too. Oh, and don't forget the dogs! There were almost as many dogs as people--five to be exact! The weather was amazing: warm, sunny, and no wind.

We barbecued, roasted marshmallows and hotdogs on the beach bonfire, went for walks, browsed the galleries, and lounged around. It was so relaxing.

I think when I retire, I will live at the beach... if I can afford it, that is. Real estate is still reasonable considering comparable property in other locations but I think I'll have to win the lottery first. But then again, stranger things have been known to happen.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer.
exercise tips