Monday, July 11, 2005

What's your passion?

Anyone have any interesting hobbies?

Do you love to cook? If so, consider sharing your favorite recipe.

Are you a frequent flyer? What's your most memorable vacation?

Do you collect anything? What is it? Why is it valuable to you?

Do your children keep you running? What kind of activities are they involved in?

Do you love what you do for a living? What makes it so fulfilling?

Are you an artist? What's your craft?

Love your animals more than some people you know? Tell us about your furry friends.

Do you spend too much time working that you've never been able to pursue your true passion? What is it?

My secret goal is to write a book. I love writing but by the time I get home from work my brain is too fried to be very creative.

Besides crafts, I really enjoy decorating my home. I like making it a welcoming, warm place... my sanctuary... my personal retreat. I enjoy entertaining. I'm not the best cook in the world but I have a knack for creating yummy appetizers. When I get into my house, I'm planning on having a theme party but I'm not sure of the theme.

My other passion are my dogs. I learned I was a dog-person about two and a half years ago when I adopted Chloe, my Chihuahua. Then about a year and a half ago, I rescued CoCo, the Miniature Pinscher. Steve has Bull, who's in the twilight of his life but is a very lovable Toy Poodle. I have had so much fun with my doggies; I wish I could ave a whole pack of them.

Please consider sharing your thoughts! Post a comment or let me know if you'd like to be a contributor!


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