For many years, I felt guilty for splurging on myself. I felt it was selfish of me to treat myself instead of spending the money or time on/with my daughter. But after many hours of therapy, I learned it’s important to take care of myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually so that I can be a better partner/mom/daughter/friend/employee.
Therapy has taught me a lot of valuable lessons. At the New Year, it’s a perfect time to remind myself and share with you some of the most valuable lessons I have learned:
- Guilt is not a very valuable emotion. If you feel guilt, figure out why and make it right.
- Happiness is a choice as is unhappiness. Choose to be happy starting today.
- People do the best they can at the time.
- The only person we can change is ourselves.
- Anger turned inward causes depression and insomnia can be a sign of depression.
- Holding grudges gives the other person power over you. Letting go and forgiving them is very freeing.
- If you visualize yourself attaining a goal, you can achieve it. Visualization is really powerful.
- People change and grow (I’m not the same person I was at 25 and don’t expect to be the same at 50).
- If you keep doing the same thing, expecting different results, you’ll be very disappointed. If you want different results, do something differently.
Part of my resolution is to eat healthier and get more exercise. I challenge you also to nurture yourself this year.
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