Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Season's Greetings

Tuesday, December 20, 2005: CNN: Much of the greeting debate has been driven by how people prefer to be greeted by clerks at stores and public institutions. In the poll, 61 percent of respondents said more stores and institutions using "Happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas" is a change for the worse.

What is wrong with this picture? What happened to our foundation of tolerance? The United States should embrace people of all faiths; it’s ignorant to assume everyone in this country is a Christian. It has nothing to do with making Christmas a secular holiday or taking Christ out of it altogether… it has everything to do with being sensitive to others’ beliefs.

I could take the opposite stance: the people protesting at Wal-mart and other businesses are trying to make corporate America spiritual establishments… is that appropriate? It's laughable and ridiculous!

As long as I’ve climbed up on my soapbox

There are some over-zealous conservative Christians giving the rest of us a bad name. And I hate the thought of religion mingling with affairs of state. I respect the right of religious freedom in our country. I respect those of diverse beliefs. But I don’t want some ultra-conservative politician making decisions based on his personal interpretations of what’s right and wrong because what’s right for him may not be right for me—or the majority of people. What someone interprets quite literally, I may interpret very symbolically.

Interested in my opinion on the prohibition of gays in Catholic seminaries?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005: CNN: The Vatican has published a controversial document on gays and the Catholic priesthood, affirming its policy against gay priests but saying anyone who has "clearly overcome" homosexual tendencies can start the process of becoming a priest. … Meanwhile, gay groups have said the church is using homosexuals as scapegoats for its sexual abuse scandals, Reuters reported.

When will the church come to the conclusion that humans are sexual beings? Forcing people to renounce their orientation isn’t going to change that! If the church wishes to attract moral people to the priesthood, perhaps they should allow married men and women to become priests. The prohibition of such is completely based on tradition.

Besides, I don’t buy the argument that married families would drain the church financially… the pedophile priests and those who have covered up for them have done huge damage—both fiscally and otherwise.

I’ll step down now.

Happy Holidays!

Disclaimer: My intent is not to offend anyone. I felt compelled to post my impression of these current events. Please post your comments if you feel inclined! Would love to hear whether you agree, disagree, or have any other opinion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Happy Holidays. Exactly what are we celebrating? Christmas is celebrating the birth of Christ, so why leave it out? It isn't a happy hannukah tree, it is a Christmas tree. It seems to me the merchants are trying to be politically correct to gain the most business they can. So I am one of those fundamental christians who is making it hard for the rest of you!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2005  

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